Smart-up your service with SmartFix

SmartFix is the smart app for first-line assistance on repairs and maintenance for all technicians in the service network.

SmartFix app

Smart and efficient service

Machines are becoming increasingly complex, markets are expanding, customers more demanding, while there is a major shortage of good technicians. This is the struggle for almost all service organizations. The solution is not to work even harder, but to work smarter!

SmartFix helps to organize service smarter and more efficiently. Smarter by bringing the right knowledge to the right place at the right time. More efficient by optimally deploying technicians at all levels within the service network.

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Repair assistant

Top modules

Use cases

As a smart app, SmartFix can be used in various ways. The best application varies per company. The use cases below are the most common examples that will help your service organization become smarter.

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SmartFix realizes various benefits for your service organization.

Improves the efficiency of your service organization

  • Repair first-time-right more often and faster.
  • Earlier and broader deployment of technicians
  • Greater returns on service visits.

Increases the quality of your services and products

  • Available 24/7 and on-demand.
  • Optimal use of expertise.
  • Guarantee quality standards.

Provides added value for your customers and service partners

  • Higher customer satisfaction
  • More independent and self reliant
  • Strong brand appreciation


SmartFix is an innovative app specially designed for and by mechanics. SmartFix can be deployed quickly due to its uniform application and many useful functions.

System independent

As a web application, SmartFix is not tied to an operating system. Anyone can work with it regardless of the brand of the device.

System independent

Accessible data

SmartFix is easy to connect with other systems. The data in SmartFix can always be reused.

Scalable and flexible

The SmartFix application runs on the Google Cloud Platform. The performance automatically grows with your use.

Scalable and flexible

Intuitive interface

SmartFix is designed for mechanics. With large buttons and clear user flows. Every mechanic understands how it works.

Responsive design

Laptop, tablet or mobile? SmartFix automatically adapts to the screen size of the device.

Responsive design


SmartFix has an automatic translation module with more than 135 languages.



SmartFix is the affordable solution for your service organization. There are various packages available to fit your needs. Would you rather try it out first? Or do you want larger applications? We are happy to discuss your wishes with you.

Start your 3-month trial period!

New customers benefit from a standard 3-month trial period at a special starting rate. Please contact us for more information.

Subscription level
Number of Admins5101520
Mechanics (primary)255075100
Customers (secondary)1002505001000
Monthly rate€500€1000€1500Upon request

Request a demo

Discover the limitless possibilities of SmartFix today. Are you ready to take your service organization into the next era? Request a demo and discover for yourself how SmartFix lifts your service organization to a higher level. Simply leave your email address and we will contact you.

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